5 Tips to Improve Forklift Performance

Atlantic Forklift Services’ technicians are among the best in the business.  We asked them for a list of five things you can do right now to improve your fleet’s performance. Tires Check them.  You’d be surprised, our experts say, to learn how many forklift fleets are operating on worn tires. Just something as simple as checking...
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Awareness in the Warehouse

It’s a difficult question to ask a forklift operator after an accident. Was the incident a result of the driver not knowing the proper procedure or being willfully ignorant of the safety regulations?  It is, however, an important distinction. Making sure your operators, and anyone who works around a forklift, is aware of the correct safety...
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Expensive Forklift Repairs

Anyone who has ever owned a car knows that now two repairs are alike.  Some are simple, other more complicated and it may be the easiest fixes that end up causing the most trouble. Of course, following recommended routine maintenance procedures can great alleviate both problems and costs. The same is true with forklifts. Repairs to lifts...
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Avoiding Material Handling Injuries

Here’s the thing about common injuries.  Most are preventable.  A little common sense goes a long way, and forklift operators can do a lot of things to prevent many of the injuries commonly associated with forklifts and the environments in which they operate. Of course, accidents do happen, but continuous training and safety awareness are...
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Cleaning Your Forklift

We have covered the preventative maintenance topic quite a bit in this blog.  Not only can preventative maintenance keep your forklifts in tip-top shape and running smoothly, it can keep the people on and around the truck safe and working efficiently as well. But there is something you might not have considered as a safety...
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Part Two: Handling Silica Dust

In part one of this two-part series, we ran through the occupations and facilities that are most likely to involve exposure to silica dust- the potentially dangerous by-product of crushing, drilling or cutting concrete and other materials.  Long-term exposure to silica dust can cause serious and sometimes fatal lung conditions and you should read...
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Part One: Handling Silica Dust

These next two blog entries may, or may not, apply to the work your facility does – but it’s really important on several levels so it’s worth spending the time on. Federal regulations about the handling of silica dust in the workplace are changing, and if you haven’t already, you’re going to need to adjust quickly. Silica dust is...
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Operating a Damaged Forklift

Even with daily inspections and regular maintenance, forklifts will experience occasional failures of varying severity. In the event of milder equipment trouble, the temptation may exist to keep the unit in service, to tempt fate in the name of efficiency or production. We can’t emphasize the next four words enough: Don’t ever do...
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Continuing Forklift Education

“The only thing that is constant is change.” - Heraclitus Think about how much the industry has changed since you started. No matter when that was, there have been technological, procedural and safety improvements that you need to keep ahead of or else you are in danger of getting passed up by individuals who are more adaptable to...
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Embrace the Variety of Forklifts

Forklifts are the workhorses of your facility, lifting and retrieving materials that are too large or heavy to manage manually or that need to be stored in an unusual location. However, different lifts are built for different things, something you might not consider when building your forklift fleet.  Let’s take a look at three reasons you...
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